Saturday, February 3, 2007

Franco-Australian breakup

An official communiqué informs us that Aussie darling Kylie Minogue and the dashing French actor Olivier Martinez have decided to split up, with the intention of remaining "very good friends"... which is surely an admirable and feasible project. [Click on the image to visit her marvelous website.]

I've always been gladdened by the tiny talented set of artistic Australians who've succeeded in making their presence felt in France. And Kylie Minogue—both as a singer and as a symbol of the struggle against adversity—has always been an exemplary member of this elite.

On the other hand, I've detested all the obnoxious and mindless ballyhoo associated with the celebrated Aussie crocodile-fighter (enhanced by verbiage from Howard, not to mention the ugly American operations being mounted by his widow) who recently lost his last fight against an animal that happened to be smarter than him... which wasn't difficult.

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